Genocide by Israel, a painful truth,
A symphony of justice, the pursuit.
At the ICJ, January 11, 2024,
In South Africa’s call for peace, let humanity soar.

In the realm where disputes hold sway,
A nation stands, choosing a different way.
South Africa’s voice, a melody of purity,
Singing of justice for the Palestinian people, crying, “I CAN’T BREATHE.”

Genocidal whispers, in the wind they hear,
A plea for peace, ringing loud and sincere.
Gaza’s tale, a canvas painted in sorrow,
A land stolen, no hopeful freedom for tomorrow.

Homes turned to rubble, in silent screams,
South Africa’s heart, stirred by extremes.
The United Nations echoes concern, a humanitarian crisis,
Lessons never again, learned time and time again: “GENOCIDE.”

Massacres faced by Gaza’s children, in the chaos,
Where does humanity begin?
Provisional measures, South Africa implores,
a call for action, as justice cries for help.

Suspend the operations of destruction, a ceasefire, we plea,
Let the echoes of peace dance wild and free.
On the courtroom’s stage, South Africa stands,
Bearing the case, truth clutched in its hands.

Facts laid bare, for the world to see,
A tale of genocide, a plea for humanity.
The death toll rises, a somber count,
160 CHILDREN massacred each day.

A staggering truth, we can’t discount,
7 women slaughtered, every two hours by the Israeli military.
26 out of the 35 hospitals destroyed by bombs,
79 journalists murdered, chronicling the atrocities.

Over seven thousand, a chilling cry,
In the shadow of genocide, they say goodbye.
Women, too, amidst the strife,
Faces of courage, the unsung life.

Their stories etched in Gaza’s pain,
A symphony of loss, a haunting refrain.
The total number etched in sorrow’s face,
22,185 lives lost, AND STILL COUNTING, a chilling embrace.

No bombs or guns, just legal might,
South Africa shows us, in the courtroom’s light.
A call to end the violence, a plea so strong,
In legal battles, where peace belongs.

In Gaza’s wounds, where darkness is rife,
Justice stands tall, the beacon of life.
As the legal saga unfolds its wings,
Let us hope for peace that justice brings.

In the courtroom of nations, a stage is set,
For harmony to reign, and healing to be met.
This applaud to South Africa, a reminder so clear,
That justice, is peaceful and should never be a war.



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