ICJ’s Verdict that Israel’s Apartheid and Unlawful Occupation of Palestine territory is a Violation of International Law.

Watching how Christian and Abraham religions
Fail to uphold their own sacred laws of “not to kill,”
And find ways to justify violence,
While claiming to value life as their highest thrill.
If all faith truly believes in the sanctity of life,
Why stand by while their followers engage in strife?
Crusades and wars are not the path to peace,
For only through true harmony can the violence cease.
Let us not let our belies divide humanity away from each other,
And unite in a quest for genuine peace.
It’s time to end the contradictions and strife,
And work together and forgetting our differences.

Where justice seeks to pierce the lies,
The International Court of Justice stands,
To judge the wrongs in troubled lands.
Fifteen voices, firm and clear,
Address the pains and visions near,
Of lands where shadows stretch and creep,
Where rights are torn, where promises sleep.

“Does the Court possess the right to hear?”
Unanimous, the answer is sincere.
In unity, the judges declare,
Their role to weigh, their duty to care.
Fourteen votes to one, they agree,
To give the verdict, to set minds free.
The jurisdiction now in hand,
To address the wrongs in this troubled land.

“Is Israel’s presence here unlawful?”
Eleven votes to four say it’s wrongful.
An occupation deemed unjust and severe,
A breach of laws, a source of fear.
The Court’s stance is bold and stark,
On lands where freedom’s left a mark.
In every corner, every claim,
The presence is condemned, a lasting shame.

“Must Israel end this unlawful occupation?”
Eleven votes to four, say yes the Court’s way.
A call to cease, to end the horror,
To end the wrong, to make things right.
The occupation’s breach must swiftly end,
To heal the wounds, to mend and mend.
An obligation clear and strong,
To end the pain, to right the wrong.

“Should settlement activities cease, now?”
Fourteen votes to one, they vowed yes it must.
A plea to halt, to end the spread,
To cease all new, to stop the dread.
The settlements are a dire horror,
A violation of international right.
No more expansion, no more claim,
To end the injustice, to end the shame.

“Must Israel make reparations for harm?”
Fourteen votes to one, yes it should,
A duty to repair, to mend the scars,
To make amends, to erase the bars.
The damages caused must be addressed,
To heal the pain, to bring redress.
Reparations for the hurt and loss,
A call for justice, a path to peace.

“The responsibility of countries on this illegal occupation?”
Twelve votes to three, a stance that’s firm.
All nations must denounce Israel’s apartheid and occupation,
Of the occupation’s wrongful might.
No aid or support for this unjust claim,
No recognition of the enduring shame or borders dawn.
A global call to stand and stop the inhuman occupation,
For justice, peace, and human rights.

“What of international bodies, then?”
Twelve votes to three, their stance is clear.
The UN and all its roles must align with Palestine,
To not recognize the wrongful occupation.
The situation must not be condoned,
By organizations, the truth is honed.
A duty to uphold what’s right and fair,
To stand against the unjust snare.

“Should the UN take decisive action now?”
Twelve votes to three, the answer’s avowed.
The General Assembly and the Council too,
Are urged to act, to see this through.
To bring an end to the unlawful apartheid occupation,
To restore peace, for life.
The UN must act with speed and might,
To end the wrong and restore the humanity.

“Is Israel breaching Geneva’s laws?”
The verdict stands, YES!
The Fourth Geneva’s rules are clear,
No transfer of civilians, no cause for fear.
The settlements in occupied lands,
Are breaches of international strands.
The laws are clear, the verdict’s strong,
The occupation is unlawful, the injustice prolonged.

In every finding, the truth is found,
A call to right what’s deeply wrong.
The ICJ’s voice is a beacon bright,
A plea for justice, a fight for light.
The echoes of their verdict ring,
In every heart, in every spring.
To heal the wounds, to end the night,
And bring forth peace, and restore the light.

And now the world must rise and see,
The call for justice, a plea to be free.
Countries, organizations, and voices bold,
Must unite to end the injustices told.
The ICJ’s verdict is clear and true,
The world’s response must now ensue.
It’s up to us, both near and far,
To end the suffering and raise the bar.

Together, let us break these chains,
End the violence, ease the pains.
Soldiers, lay down your arms in peace,
Let the conflict and the bloodshed cease.
Companies and nations, turn away,
From aiding wrong, from leading astray.
Political leaders, make your stand,
For justice and for peace, hand in hand.



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