In the dawn of history’s pages, where empires cast their gaze,
Financial colonialism began its haunting phase.
From distant lands to foreign shores, the chains of wealth were laid,
Imposing systems meant to serve the conqueror’s crusade.

Sterling Area’s grasp, the British crown’s domain,
Tethered colonies’ currencies, in economic chains.
Dutch East India’s grip, in Southeast Asia’s embrace,
Controlled the coin of trade, to further their sovereign grace.

Paper money, a weapon forged, in colonial forge’s heat,
Replacing native currencies, with imperial deceit.
Scramble for Africa’s wealth, the continent’s divide,
Introduced foreign currencies, where indigenous ones once thrived.

India’s rupee, displaced by the pound’s might,
Under British rule, economic plight.
Caribbean’s sugar, fueled by debt’s cruel snare,
Forcing colonies to spend, their wealth and labor rare.

In Africa’s Franc Zone, a relic of colonial reign,
Ties bind nations, to France’s monetary chain.
CFA franc’s hold, a symbol of control,
Limiting nations’ power, their destinies on parole.

In modern times, the echoes sound, of colonial past’s refrain,
As central banks dance, to external power’s gain.
IMF’s loans, World Bank’s decree,
Dictate policies, for nations to be free.

Structural adjustments, austerity’s cruel dance,
Imposed on nations, by external finance.
Price stability’s guise, currency’s stable guise,
Masks exploitation’s face, in economic disguise.

Currency manipulation, a puppeteer’s cruel game,
Dictating terms, in fortune’s name.
Asian Tigers’ roar, silenced by speculator’s sting,
Currency’s collapse, despair’s echoing ring.

Debt’s heavy yoke, on post-colonial lands,
A burden borne, by labor’s hands.
Latin America’s struggle, Africa’s plight,
Caught in cycles, of debt’s cruel bite.

Unequal trade’s embrace, ensnares the weak,
Exploiting resources, the powerful seek.
Africa’s bounty, plundered for gain,
Leaving scars of exploitation, and economic pain.

But amidst the chains of financial thrall,
A beacon shines, breaking through the pall.
The peopleize approach, a song of hope,
Empowering nations, to break free, to cope.

Solidarity’s embrace, community’s might,
Transforming systems, in freedom’s light.
From grassroots movements, to global call,
The peopleize approach, liberates one and all.

So let us raise our voices high, in the chorus of the free,
Breaking chains of financial tyranny.
For in the heart of every soul, lies the dream,
Of a world where justice reigns supreme.



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